What is XPLORE?

XPLORE is a interactive learning vertical of the BYJU’S app which makes simulations and games across K12 Math and Science. It is built to bridge the gap of hands-on learning on online platforms with a set of learning experiences. These experiences are structured in such way that they are as engaging as a animated video and as active as a question. The team consists of 50+ content creators, 10+ UI designers, 50+ artists, 25+ vendors, 8 producers, and 30+ developers.

My Contribution

I am responsible for developing the learning experiences which make XPLORE fun, interactive and engaging, i.e. games and simulations. We collaborate with the game designers, content, UI/UX, audio, and QA team to deliver the best learning experience. These experiences are built on the Cocos Creator engine using TypeScript. In the two years of working on XPLORE, I have made 50+ games and 5+ simulations.


The tech stack that XPLORE operates on is TypeScript and CocosCreator, and both were new to me. Learning them was fun, but the unavailability of online resources made the whole process strenuous. My previous understanding/ knowledge of Unity Engine also helped since they both have the same workflow.

Learnings and Takeaways

The last two years of working at Byju’s have been a great learning experience. The biggest takeaway is my improved self. Communicating and working alongside other professionals, observing their workflow and problem-solving techniques made me a more competent professional.