About Me

I'm Vivek Kumar, graduate from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and a game developer specializing in building immersive and unforgettable gameplay. Currently, I'm building interactive educational games and simulations at BYJU'S.
I have a serious passion for making and playing video games. So, if you have any game ideas or games to play, please feel free to ping me .




  • Languages
    C#, C++, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
  • Techniques
    Data Structures, Design Patterns, Netcode, OOPs
  • Tools
    Unity, Cocos Creator, Blender, Figma, Photoshop
  • Jan 2021 - Present
    Game Developer at BYJU'S
  • Jan- March 2020
    Game Programmer Intern at EWarGames
  • May - July 2019
    Game Developer Intern at MetaDesign
  • July, 2020
    BTech. Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee

My work